Maybe a previous religious experience has let you down.
Maybe you're in a difficult season of life right now.
Maybe you're carrying some baggage from the past.
Hope can only be found in Jesus.
Not in self-help or self-righteousness.
Not in any set of religious rules.
Only in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Our hope is found in Christ alone.

Because hope is found in Christ alone, he is at the center of everything we do. Every message, prayer, song, program, and get-together is grounded in his gracious plan to seek and to save sinners like us... and like you.

The Bible is God's Word. It teaches us all that we need to know for this life, and the life to come. We offer Sunday School classes every week at 9:15 a.m. for all ages, including adults. You will also find a variety of group Bible studies scheduled throughout the week. Take the first step by signing up for an upcoming Bible 101 Class.

Church should feel like a family, and worship services should include the whole family. God's family includes people of all ages, from newborn to ninety-something. All are encouraged to attend together. All are invited to participate in prayers, songs, learn from the sermon & children's message, and hear Bible readings.

Church isn't just what you do, it's who you are. Church activity goes well beyond Sunday. At Christ Alone, you will find many ways to grow in your faith, develop relationships, give back to your community, and show compassion for those in need. God brings people into our lives to love and serve them the way Jesus has done for us... unconditionally.